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thumbnail for see details

11/1/2005 2:57:50 AM
PHPRunner General questions
samsp author

Hi every body.

first at all i like to say is: this is a very good programm with a lot of potential.
now my question: i have for exampel a list of artikels and on the beginning of the line there is a thumbnail 67x50. how can i make this klickable instead of the "view" button for see the details.
thanks from sunny spain

500365 11/2/2005

is there no answer?? no suggestion? no hints?

admin 11/2/2005

this can be done with a small modifications of generated ..._list.php file.

However the modifications strongly depend on your table structure and layout.
Please show me your table creation script.

You may post it here or send it to

Also please tell me what key fields do you use and what field you use to show thumbnails.

samsp author 11/3/2005

i have found out the following solution between the lines 842 to 871 in the ..._list.php:
// show thumbnail


$lasti = strrpos($thumbname,".");







echo "<a target=_blank href=\"".htmlspecialchars(AddLinkPrefix("img1",$data["img1"]))."\"><img width=67 height=50 border=0 src=\"".htmlspecialchars(AddLinkPrefix("img1",$thumbname))."\"></a>";





{ ?>

<a href="casas_view.php"

onClick="java script:

document.forms.viewform.editid.value = '<?php echo db_addslashes($data[$strKeyField]);?>';

<?php if($strKeyField2) { ?>

document.forms.viewform.editid2.value = '<?php echo db_addslashes($data[$strKeyField2]);?>';

<?php } ?>

<?php if($strKeyField3) { ?>

document.forms.viewform.editid3.value = '<?php echo db_addslashes($data[$strKeyField3]);?>';

<?php } ?>


return false;"><img width=67 height=50 border=0 src="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(AddLinkPrefix("img1",$data["img1"]));?>"></a>

<?php }


