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 Tip Copy Child Records when Master Record is Copied

5/4/2012 9:39:54 PM
PHPRunner General questions
malnak author

Just trying to contribute. I wanted to copy child records when the master is copied I have an Orders Table and a Order_details table.
On the Orders table in the After Record Added Event include this code:

if ( $_SESSION["copyid1"]!=0)


// debbugging Echo "not equal zero";

global $conn;

$str = "select OrderID, ProductID, Quantity, CustCode from `order details` where OrderID =".$_SESSION["copyid1"];

$rs = db_query($str,$conn);

while($data = db_fetch_array($rs))


$strInsert = "insert into `order details` (OrderID, ProductID, Quantity, CustCode) VALUES ('".$values["OrderID"]."','".$data["ProductID"]."','".$data["Quantity"]."','".$data["CustCode"]."')";




//header("Location: order_details_list.php?mastertable=orders&masterkey1=".$keys["OrderID"]);

//header("Location: order_details_list.php?mastertable=orders&masterkey1=" . $keys["OrderID"]);

// ********** Send simple email ************



$msg="Your Order has been received";

$subject="ACME Order Recieved";

//foreach($values as $field=>$value)


// if(!IsBinaryType(GetFieldType($field)))

// $msg.= $field." : ".$value."\r\n";

$ret=runner_mail(array('to' => $email, 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => $msg, 'from'=>$from));


echo $ret["message"];
$_SESSION["copyid1"] = 0;

In the Add Page before Process have this code to flag for the copy:

if (@$_REQUEST["copyid1"])

$_SESSION["copyid1"] = $_REQUEST["copyid1"];

All praise to Sergey and Jane for their astonishing assistance.