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Plans for PHPRunner5.3/ASPRunnerPro6.3 and PHPRunner6/ASPRunnerPro7

4/28/2010 11:48:51 PM
Sergey Kornilov

[size="5"]PHPRunner 5.3/ASPRunnerPro 6.3[/size]
PHPRunner 5.3/ASPRunnerPro 6.3 is planned as a relatively small update to be released in June-July 2010. Here is the list of the most interesting features planned in this update.
Planned features

  • Folding sections/tabs on View/Edit/Add pages.
  • ASPRunnerPro/PHPRunner will be translated to several languages (haven't yet decided which ones to start with first)
  • More flexible search settings. Each field can be marked as search panel, advanced search, Google like search, quick search.
  • Allow 'Records per page' dropdown customization
  • Drill-down option for charts. Click on chart element to proceed to another chart or to underlying data.
  • Events editor enhancements like search across all events
  • New events (OnError - write your own error messages, Audit events, Edit/View page events that allow access to values to be displayed on the page)
  • New 'View as' types MP3 and Video

'Maybe' features

Time permitting we will fit them into ASPRunnerPro 6.3/PHPRunner 5.3. Otherwise they will be included in ASPRunnerPro 7/PHPRunner 6 release.

  • rebuild modified files only (quick rebuild vs full rebuild). Will be extremely useful for large projects.
  • field level events (Add/Edit/Register pages)
  • lookup wizard enhancements (use custom views as lookup wizard source, allow to fill multiple fields with values from lookup table, option to create a new lookup table and fill it with values)

[size="5"]PHPRunner 6.0/ASPRunnerPro 7.0[/size]
Planned to to be released in 2010.
The main feature is Style Editor where you can customize every visual aspect of your applications: buttons, grids, pagination, colors, fonts etc. The idea is to fully separate HTML from CSS making all visual elements customizable. You will be able to create your own color schemas and share them with other users.
Other enhancements include Visual Editor update. We'll be updating this list constantly.

FunkDaddy 4/29/2010

My favorite ones planned for these upgrade as as follows (but of course all of them are great... the more the better):
Folding sections/tabs on View/Edit/Add pages. <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
New events (OnError - write your own error messages, Audit events, Edit/View page events that allow access to values to be displayed on the page) <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
New 'View as' types MP3 and Video <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
rebuild modified files only (quick rebuild vs full rebuild). Will be extremely useful for large projects. <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
field level events (Add/Edit/Register pages) <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
ookup wizard enhancements (use custom views as lookup wizard source, allow to fill multiple fields with values from lookup table, option to create a new lookup table and fill it with values) <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
The main feature is Style Editor where you can customize every visual aspect of your applications: buttons, grids, pagination, colors, fonts etc. The idea is to fully separate HTML from CSS making all visual elements customizable. You will be able to create your own color schemas and share them with other users. <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
AND... it would be really great if you could add functionality for us to add hover "tooltips" on form fields to help better explain to end-users what the field is for, etc. I notced quite a few folks have asked for this functionality. I know it is simple to implement as a developer (although I am a newbie and haven't done it yet) but seems like a tedious task to have to manually add this to each field that needs more detailed explanations. - Just a thought.
Thanks and keep up the good work... one of the reasons I went with you guys is because you are constantly adding features and updates throughout the year instead of waiting for year long releases. Oh, and as far as languages go I think Brazilian Portuguese might be a good idea given the fact Brazil has a large population and is a fast, up-and-coming emerging economy... lots of programmers there. A few Google Ad words may help sell in that part of the world. And yes, as a disclaimer, I am Brazilian/American.

hichem 4/29/2010

Foldable tabs and sections is great and also drill down charts is perfect!
Is it possible to save all the of the config parameters for the charts into a table so that users can change these without having to rebuild the project?
I would love to see some of the UI features available here: jquery

I like ASPR a lot and have many tables with a large number of fields, so a column chooser would be great.

Also great if each user could move the columns around and swap positions as they like.

This would get every user of any ASPR application to like it.
Many thanks Sergey to you and your team

You keep exceeding our expectations so thank you for all your efforts!

fmbma 4/29/2010

Any plans for I would love to see this come up close to the features of asprunner.

procheck 4/29/2010

Any plans for I would love to see this come up close to the features of asprunner.

A great feature would be to have an option not to upload dbcommon.

muscleda 4/29/2010

Two suggestions:

  1. zip code proximity search capability
  2. option to create RSS feeds so that data is SEO

adamrw 4/30/2010

I hope that migrating project from PHPRunner 5.2 to 5.3 will be not time-consuming as from 5.1 to 5.2. I have spent a lot of time, because many parts of my project, e.g. calendar template , I have had to prepare all my changes from scratch. If you are using calendar template and make no changes to it, it is no problem. But if you alter a lot, it is a very big problem to do it every time PHPRunner changes version.

Bert 4/30/2010

Hi there,
Great new plans for the future version.

One thing I'd like to see also is a page template without a list/report/chart etc. but some placeholders to use for my own code.

Right now I 'abuse' the report template for this, but I have to delete paging, search fields etc. since I don't need this. When a 'reset page' is required, I loose all these changes.

This should be easy to do I think.

phprunnerjafieb 4/30/2010

All very good suggestions.
Making something with PHPrunner I always want to make it special. Special in layout or color. That asks a lot of time changing the layout en style files.
Some additions at the misc page could help greatly.
The subjects are just suggestions. Items can be added or removed.

marke 4/30/2010

Hi Sergey
I have been using PHPRunner for 4 years now - it is a great product, and as it has got better over the years we have been able to use it for larger and more critical projects. However we are now getting seriously concerned about the long term TOC - migrating large applications when you need to incorporate lots of detailed changes + some visual editor changes is a major undertaking - I'm more than 5 weeks in on migrating an application involving 70 tables and >1500 files. We certainly could not undertake another migration like the one we are currently doing for 5.1 to 5.2 - and we paid attention to migration in our development at 5.1 by minimising all visual editor changes.
I think if you could give some more thought to migration issues, the product would be capable of moving to larger application developments.
I note other users have had problems with this.
P.S thanks for reintroducing the flexibility with the search parameters at 6.3 - I can drop the customisation I'm doing to get round the flexibility we lost with 5.2

Pfeiffer 4/30/2010

Hello Sergey,
Folding sections/tabs on View/Edit/Add pages is the most important feature for me, because of so many input fields

in add/edit this organisation will help my customers.
Please remeber the feature : help-text for a field as hint.
And I hope 5.3 will recognize my changed layouts in 5.2 without destroying them.

Because of clear BEGIN and END Structur in HTML in 5.2 it should be possible for you, to save my work .
Best regards

Uwe Pfeiffer

Tim 4/30/2010

This all sounds great. Thanks for all the updates. I guess I would also echo the comments about making sure to mitigate version migration issues for us.
One other feature I'd love: a "group by" function on the list page, then make those foldable as well. I first saw this on your Knowlege Base template (not the folding, but the grouping) and I use it often now, but it takes alot of hacking to get it to work.
Thanks for your great product!


aalekizoglou 4/30/2010

Great plans.
Sergey we are planning to use PHPR on larger projects as well therefore you should take under consideration the following:
Editor's features, like search, search and replace, save editor's file with a hotkey ctrl+s. Now we are using an external editor (notepad++) to edit files.

Editor should be able to open included php files as well, not only the project's events. In a real project there are other files that we need to include.

Global search should be able to do a search in a directory.
The templates can get an update also. At least new buttons, and a more Web 2.0 look and fell. For the grid a field choise and custom group by feature could be a plus.

MMILLER501 5/1/2010

While the Runner products provide an amazing amount of productivity and customizability, the biggest problem that we have using the product is that whenever changes to a particular project need to be made - particularly adding new fields, dropping old fields, or changing existing fields, the previous screen design degrades to such a point that it often needs to be entirely regenerated from scratch, which then necessitates re-applying all prior customizations. This problem has grown to be such a problem for us that we will be using the tool much less from this point forward until this issue is resolved.
Therefore, when you redesign the visual editor, please go beyond merely separating out the CSS from the HTML, and design a system that is much more resilient when changes to a database schema occur so that zero regeneration of the visual editor pages are necessary.
The one other thing that would be very attractive would be to add HTML5 / Silverlight RIA functionality, so that the "plain-jane" page appearance can be made to look much more modern and attractive than is now available.
Everything else about the Runner product line is great, but the visual editor needs so much work that it negates much of the rest of the system. PLEASE FIX IT!!!!

Ugain 5/2/2010

My preferred order for PHPRunner, based on use, is this:

  1. Style Editor
  2. Folding sections/tab
  3. ZIP code proximity
  4. Chart improvements
  5. than the rest
    I used to love ASP (and Perl too). Now as I near retirement I embrace PHP.

    I am a newbie on this forum, but have been using ASPRunner since v.3

Ugain 5/2/2010

Any plans for I would love to see this come up close to the features of asprunner.

I think that anyone looking for ASP.NET should look into PHP instead, internally Microsoft is doing just that.

sl11 5/3/2010

Hello developers,
I'm a newbie in PHPR, but as far as I've worked with it:

you've done a great job with your product.

Here are some suggestions to enhance PHPR

  1. Searching:

  • It would be great to search with REGEXP.
  • Searching in a Master/Detail page where one can define for each parameter wether it's a AND or OR condition.

2. Export / Print

  • free defineable delimiter at CMS-Export (i.g. $ instead of ,)
  • Export of a record set in a master/detail list page, where I mark
  • the master record and select the detail records. This selction should be
  • exportable in one step / in one list.


mcasassus 7/3/2010

Hello Sergey,
Can you consider the possibility to include in the next upgrade one feature for search/replace by language in the "MISC" menu "Label Editor" ?
If you can add this feature, we can translate very quickly the projects, if we are a big lot of tables to translate.

Currently they are a lot of labels with the same words.
One other question/suggestion... are you considered to include in the future SQL Stored Procedures inside PHPRunner?

(actually I install my stored procedures directly in the DB, but this create the problem for some users they have his domains in shared servers with no rights to create stored procedures and triggers because the MySQL super admin option is not available for security reasons)
Finally, are you consider to include in the EXPORT options :
-The possibility to give a new name to the Files Exported (actually as you know the name for the exported files are always the same -the table/view name-). When we need to export a big lot of records (one by one) this functionality become very interesting.

-Option for parsing and convert HTML Rich Text created, to RTF format. I mean, eliminate all HTML Tags (created with the Rich Text Editor) and convert the paragraphs and character styles in HTML to the RTF format.
Than you for consider one or some this ideas.
Best regards


krisrianto 7/8/2010

Whats the update on phprunner 5.3? Any news on the release date?

swanside 7/18/2010

Hi guys,

Any news on a release date yet?
Looking forward to the extra features.

rahaman 7/31/2010

It will be very great If report section is updated.I mean I want to design my won report whatever I like.Is it possible sir.

hichem 8/26/2010

It would be great if ASPRunner 7 would integrate something like jquery which is open source and has now even been adopted by Microsoft

They plan to release a mobile version to help build GUIs for mobile phone

The ways to integrate it seem to be quite well documented as well.

Really looking forward to what teh PHPR/ASPR development team is planning on implementing the new UI enhancements

arunabh 8/30/2010

[size="5"]PHPRunner 5.3/ASPRunnerPro 6.3[/size]
PHPRunner 5.3/ASPRunnerPro 6.3 is planned as a relatively small update to be released in June-July 2010. Here is the list of the most interesting features planned in this update.
Planned features

  • Folding sections/tabs on View/Edit/Add pages.
  • ASPRunnerPro/PHPRunner will be translated to several languages (haven't yet decided which ones to start with first)
  • More flexible search settings. Each field can be marked as search panel, advanced search, Google like search, quick search.
  • Allow 'Records per page' dropdown customization
  • Drill-down option for charts. Click on chart element to proceed to another chart or to underlying data.
  • Events editor enhancements like search across all events
  • New events (OnError - write your own error messages, Audit events, Edit/View page events that allow access to values to be displayed on the page)
  • New 'View as' types MP3 and Video
    'Maybe' features

    Time permitting we will fit them into ASPRunnerPro 6.3/PHPRunner 5.3. Otherwise they will be included in ASPRunnerPro 7/PHPRunner 6 release.
  • rebuild modified files only (quick rebuild vs full rebuild). Will be extremely useful for large projects.
  • field level events (Add/Edit/Register pages)
  • lookup wizard enhancements (use custom views as lookup wizard source, allow to fill multiple fields with values from lookup table, option to create a new lookup table and fill it with values)
    [size="5"]PHPRunner 6.0/ASPRunnerPro 7.0[/size]
    Planned to to be released in 2010.
    The main feature is Style Editor where you can customize every visual aspect of your applications: buttons, grids, pagination, colors, fonts etc. The idea is to fully separate HTML from CSS making all visual elements customizable. You will be able to create your own color schemas and share them with other users.
    Other enhancements include Visual Editor update. We'll be updating this list constantly.
    Sergey ! Greetings !
    Here are my 2 cents ..... Please integrate it in the new version ...

  1. Grid Control for Detail records in master detail form. Suggestion make the detail table grid type, with grid properties given in properties !!! create a property sheet for table as to how the table should be formatted. users should be able to add columns to grid dynamically and update the detail table columns accordingly.
  2. Events now can be added on page basis, see if you can add events for every column !!! That will multiply the functionality. For example when you right click on any column you can add an event there ! Events can be classified like oracle are pre-text-item, post-text-item, when-validate-item, when-new-record-instance, when-new-form-instance etc etc. please consult oracle forms documentation for details.
  3. Menu should be visible individually for user rights. like for example, i do not want to show menu link to a particular user, it should be possible. it creates a problem especially in master detail form like i do not want menu link for detail form but detail should be entered after clicking on the master form link. I think you got it.
  4. Make a session variable for every column name prefixed with the table name. That would be the finest addition ! which can be accessed in any sql command. Currently the main problem is I cannot check the value of a master column while entering the detail column ! and change the detailed table list item accordingly by giving sql command. I think you got it now.
  5. create a property sheet for every table column and let them add sql to it on any above mentioned trigger. That would be great. You can hard core on which key press or on which type of navigation or happening, which type of trigger will get triggered like oracle.
    Hope this helps.

suprapen 9/1/2010

Hello developers,
I'm a newbie in PHPR, but as far as I've worked with it:

you've done a great job with your product.

Here are some suggestions to enhance PHPR

  1. Searching:

  • It would be great to search with REGEXP.
  • Searching in a Master/Detail page where one can define for each parameter wether it's a AND or OR condition.

  1. Export / Print

  • free defineable delimiter at CMS-Export (i.g. $ instead of ,)
  • Export of a record set in a master/detail list page, where I mark
  • the master record and select the detail records. This selction should be
  • exportable in one step / in one list.

I like both your ideas, Peter. Hope they can implemented those on the next release. Searching master and details is so common within applications nowadays as well as exporting master and details in one click.

electromotive 9/2/2010

Core features for me, above all:

  • Good quality, standards compliant code generation for HTML, CSS & Javascript, PHP/ASP, SQL, etc.
  • Cross browser support, at least for the top 4-5 browsers.
  • Good backend support for the top platforms.
    Necessary features:
  • Addition of "?" help links/popups as an attribute of each field, and optionally hover help text on add/edit forms.
  • Built-in option to have an edit button on the view form.
  • Built-in option to automatically return to list after add/edit, unless error.
  • More control over error message formats, alerts, yes/no responses, etc.
  • Ability to more easily separate the add and edit field properties, to for instance make some fields read-only on the edit screen without needing to modify the SQL Query and create clone fields.
  • Built-in handling of most common DB errors, duplicate keys, deletion where there's dependencies, etc.
  • Listboxes (grids) where headers remain stationary.
  • Make it easier to navigate and scroll back and forth through huge numbers of records, without paging.
  • Make it easier to build conditional forms, where fields/links appear depending on previous inputs.
  • More control over navigation between screens, so that workflows can be designed & followed, easy creation of screens without database fields, with links to functional areas, different groups can have different workflows.
  • Add support for access to auxillary mixed databases (which probably already exist).
  • More control over importing/exporting, ability to map and synthesize data.
  • Only the trivial DB applications don't require customization. All real applications require extensive customization, take the sample applications as an example of what is typically needed (x10). At the moment the documentation is insufficient to support the level of customization typically needed by real applications. Also at the moment the customization typically requires a good working knowledge of multiple languages. This needs to go to a whole new level ASAP. The kinda documentation needed is a step by step going from the empty built-in themes/styles to each of the sample applications (Vacation, Real Estate, Cars, Classified, PayPal and maybe a more complex many-many example, where you can navigate forwards and backwards through the relationships). Starting with the approach to customization needed to extensively customize forms, and be able to make evolutionary changes to the tables involved without leaving all your work in a steaming pile. And working examples of things like add/edit forms which display details at the top, and then go back to list on successful completion.
  • Steady progression toward the MVC (model-view-controller) paradigm (or similar). Incorporating the best architectural features of the frameworks available.
  • Steady progression towards not needing to mix 3-4 languages in the same code snippets.
  • Eliminate the need for multi-level quoting and quote escaping in compound statements.
  • Add in support for all database relationships, including 1 to 1:N, many-many (N to N, or many masters), and meshes.
  • More Web 2.0 widgets, features, look and feel. Its looking too "old fashioned" now.
  • More dynamic control over ajax popups, so that clients on slow network segments can work without ajax taking 10+sec, but users on fast segments will have full features. So dynamically reduce the size of the detail list preview, for example, disable it completely when response time exceeds 10 sec.
  • The most common question I get from users is "How can I customize my own style (colors at least)?". Obviously too much exposure to mySpace. At the moment I take the Henry Ford approach, "you can have any color you want as long as its black".
    Don't get me wrong. PHPRunner is very good, I highly recommend it.
    Kind regards, rick

mikeaccess 10/4/2010

A great addition to PHP/ASP Runner would be support for jQuery UI Themes in version 6/7. <img src='' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

kenlyle 5/8/2011

  • Steady progression toward the MVC (model-view-controller) paradigm (or similar). Incorporating the best architectural features of the frameworks available.

Is there actually a commitment from the team to move toward MVC? I don't see too much about this in the forum.
In 5.2 generated code, I am not seeing model/view/controller dirs for sure.


asawyer13DevClub member 6/5/2011

With Windows 8 totally embracing HTML5/CSS/Java, would PHPR maybe be able to be used to create IOS, Android, Windows 8 and web apps???
This may have been a dumb question, so if so, just ignore.