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 Multiple .asp pages

3/8/2003 7:45:01 PM
ASPRunnerPro General questions

Is this possible?
I have approx 8 different pages that I need to display data...... all in the same directory... problem is everytime I create another page it overwrites the data in the "include" directory..... and creates the db again..... all 8 pages pull info from the same .mdb located in the db folder.
Love the flexibility this program provides to edit the asp over MSFP.

Sergey Kornilov 3/9/2003

Currently ASPRunner designed to work with single database table.

Here is the workaround:

  1. Using ASPRunner you create ASP code for each of your tables and put

    generated files to separate directories under your Web site root directory.


  2. On the "Select database file" page in ASPRunner enter ".." (without quotes) in the Server.MapPath edit box. This will point ASP pages to your database under root folder.
    Feel free to contact me if you need more detailed info on this.
    Sergey Kornilov